Dr. Michael Pleyer

I am an evolutionary and cognitive linguist. 

I have two main research tracks: Language evolution and language acquisition.  In the domain of language evolution, I am working on cognitive-linguistic, usage-based and constructionist approaches to the evolution of language. Specifically, I am looking at the the cognitive foundations and interactional mechanisms underlying the emergence of language. In the domain of language acquisition, I am interested in the role of perspectivation and pretend play in language acquisition. 

I got my PhD in English Linguistics from the University of Heidelberg, Germany, in 2019 with a thesis on "The Everyday Use of pretend in Child Language and Child-Directed Speech: A Corpus Study"

Currently I am a POLONEZ BIS fellow  at the Center for Language Evolution Studies, Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń, Poland,  The fellowship is co-funded by the European Commission and the Polish National Science Centre under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie COFUND grant. 



At the 10th Polish Society for Human and Evolution Studies Conference I am presenting a poster on the following topic:

Pleyer, Michael & Svetlana Kuleshova. 2024. Braided Streams and Weakly Structured Stems: What are the Implications of New Models of Human Evolution for the Emergence of Language?


I am at the 2024 International Congress of Lingusts in Poznań, Poland where Theresa Matzinger and I are chairing a session on "Language Evolution and the Origins of Language."

I also have a presentation at this session:

Pleyer, Michael. 2024. Braided Streams and Weakly Structured Stems: What are the Implications of New Models of Human Evolution for the Emergence of Language?


I am at the 10th International Conference of the German Cognitive Linguistics Association  in Osnabrück, Germany (04-06.09.2024) presenting the following work:

Matzinger, Theresa; Pleyer, Michael; Zhang, Elizabeth Qing; Żywiczyński, Przemysław: "Cooperation, Cognition and the Sound of Silence: The Role of Inter-Turn Speech Pauses in Assessing Cooperativeness"

Pleyer, Michael; Namednikava, Darya; Karkowska, Klaudia; Kuleshova, Svetlana; Placiński, Marek: "An Experimental-Semiotic Approach to the Emergence of Metaphor and Polysemy in Interaction"


At the Fifth Conference of the International Association for Cognitive Semiotics (IACS-5) in Lund, Sweden (15-17 August 2024) we are presenting a number of exciting projects:

Matzinger, Theresa, Michael Pleyer, Elizabeth Qing Zhang & Przemysław Żywiczyński: "Cooperation, Cognition and the Sound of Silence: The Role of Inter-Turn Speech Pauses in Assessing Cooperativeness"

Pleyer, Michael, Darya Namednikava, Klaudia Karkowska, Svetlana Kuleshova & Marek Placiński: "Metaphor, Meaning Extension and Meaning-Making in Interaction: An Experimental-Semiotic Approach"

Kuleshova, Svetlana, Johan Blomberg, Stefan Hartmann, Michael Pleyer, Marta Sibierska, Przemysław Żywiczyński & Sławomir Wacewicz: "Understanding the limits of experiments in language evolution inferences from closed- vs open-ended semantic space paradigms"


At the 45th Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society in Amsterdam, the Netherlands we presented two posters:

Karkowska, Klaudia,  Darya Namednikava, Marek Placinski, Michael Pleyer & Theresa Matzinger. 2024. The relationship between non-verbal alignment and cooperativeness in a game theory-based TV show.

Pleyer, Michael, Darya Namednikava, Klaudia Karkowska, Svetlana Kuleshova, Marek Placiński & Sławomir Wacewicz. 2024. An Experimental-Semiotic Approach to the Emergence of Metaphor and Polysemy in Interaction.


I presented a poster at Analogy 2024: Fifth International Conference on Analogy in Amsterdam, the Netherlands.

Pleyer, Michael, Svetlana Kuleshova & Elizabeth Qing Zhang. 2024. Artifacts, Analogy and Metaphor: An Archaeological and Comparative Cognition Perspective on the Evolution of Analogical Capacities. 


I was at the The 15th International Conference in Evolutionary Linguistics at Hunan University in Changsha, China with two presentations:

Zhang, Elizabeth Qing, Michael Pleyer & Theresa Matzinger. 2024. Enjoy The Silence? A Cross-cultural Approach to Inter-turn Speech Pauses and Their Relation to the Evolutionary Dynamics of Interaction

Pleyer, Michael. 2024. The Role of Semantic Extension and Metaphor in the Evolutionary Dynamics of Language. 


New preprint with Svetlana Kuleshova and Marek Placiński: "Integrating Approaches to the Role of Metaphor in the Evolutionary Dynamics of Language." We review work from historical linguistics, NLP and experimental semiotics on the evolution of metaphor.


Our lab & collaborators were out in full force at the 15th International Conference on the Evolution of Language (Evolang XV) in Madison, WI, USA (May 18-21, 2024) with quite a number of talks and poster presentations. I co-authored the following proceedings papers:

Baumann, Andreas, Theresa Matzinger, Roland Mühlenbernd, Sławomir Wacewicz, Michael Pleyer, Stefan Hartmann & Marek Placiński. 2024. The role of linguistically encoded emotional characteristics for cooperativeness in a one-shot Prisoner's Dilemma. In: Nölle, J., Raviv, L., Graham, K. E., Hartmann, S., Jadoul, Y., Josserand, M., et al. (eds.), Proceedings of the International Conference on the Evolution of Language 2024 (Evolang XV). The Evolution of Language Conferences.  

Delliponti, Angelo D., Elizabeth Qing Zhang, Yen Ying Ng & Michael Pleyer. 2024. The Cognitive Requirements for Developing a Multimodal Communication System: Evidence from Experimental Semiotics and Comparative Cognition. In: Nölle, J., Raviv, L., Graham, K. E., Hartmann, S., Jadoul, Y., Josserand, M., et al. (eds.), Proceedings of the International Conference on the Evolution of Language 2024 (Evolang XV). The Evolution of Language Conferences. 

Delliponti, Angelo D., Sławomir Wacewicz & Michael Pleyer. 2024. Alignment vs Conflict of Interest in Language Evolution: Two Pathways to High-Level Mindreading. In: Nölle, J., Raviv, L., Graham, K. E., Hartmann, S., Jadoul, Y., Josserand, M., et al. (eds.), Proceedings of the International Conference on the Evolution of Language 2024 (Evolang XV). The Evolution of Language Conferences.   

Kuleshova, Svetlana, Elizabeth Qing Zhang & Michael Pleyer. 2024. Artifacts, Analogy and Metaphor: Inferring the Cognitive Foundations of Metaphor from an Archaeological and Comparative Perspective. In: Nölle, J., Raviv, L., Graham, K. E., Hartmann, S., Jadoul, Y., Josserand, M., et al. (eds.), Proceedings of the International Conference on the Evolution of Language 2024 (Evolang XV). The Evolution of Language Conferences.  

Matzinger, Theresa, Michael Pleyer, Elizabeth Qing Zhang & Przemysław Żywiczyński. 2024. The Evolution of Silence: The Role of Inter-Turn Speech Pauses in the Co-Evolution of Language and Cooperation. In: Nölle, J., Raviv, L., Graham, K. E., Hartmann, S., Jadoul, Y., Josserand, M., et al. (eds.), Proceedings of the International Conference on the Evolution of Language 2024 (Evolang XV). The Evolution of Language Conferences.  

Placiński, Marek, Theresa Matzinger, Andreas Baumann, Przemysław Żywiczyński, Stefan Hartmann, Irene Boehm, Michael Pleyer & Sławomir Wacewicz. 2024. Does Syntactic Alignment Predict Cooperation? A Corpus Study of the Prisoner's Dilemma. In: Nölle, J., Raviv, L., Graham, K. E., Hartmann, S., Jadoul, Y., Josserand, M., et al. (eds.), Proceedings of the International Conference on the Evolution of Language 2024 (Evolang XV). The Evolution of Language Conferences.  

Pleyer, Michael, Jakob Neels & Stefan Hartmann. 2024. Entrenchment, Conventionalization and Cumulative Culture: A Usage-Based Perspective on Language Evolution. In: Nölle, J., Raviv, L., Graham, K. E., Hartmann, S., Jadoul, Y., Josserand, M., et al. (eds.), Proceedings of the International Conference on the Evolution of Language 2024 (Evolang XV). The Evolution of Language Conferences.   

Pleyer, Michael, Klaudia Karkowska, Svetlana Kuleshova, Darya Namednikava & Marek Placiński. 2024. Towards computational detection of metaphoric change in language evolution via word embeddings. In: Nölle, J., Raviv, L., Graham, K. E., Hartmann, S., Jadoul, Y., Josserand, M., et al. (eds.), Proceedings of the International Conference on the Evolution of Language 2024 (Evolang XV). The Evolution of Language Conferences.  


We have a new paper out in Comparative Cognition and Behavior Reviews . Our commentary is part of a special issue titled "Looking to the Future: What Is to Come for Comparative Cognition?

Zhang, Elizabeth Qing & Michael Pleyer. 2024. Toward Interdisciplinary Integration in the Study of Comparative Cognition: Insights from Studying the Evolution of Multimodal Communication. Comparative Cognition and Behavior Reviews 19. 85-90. https://doi.org/10.3819/CCBR.2024.190017.


New PsyArXiv preprint with Stefan Hartmann, to appear in the Oxford Handbook of Approaches to Language Evolution:

Hartmann, Stefan & Michael Pleyer. to appear.  Corpus-based Approaches to Evolutionary Dynamics in Language. In Limor Raviv & Cedrick Boeckx (eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Approaches to Language Evolution. Oxford: Oxford University Press.


Our Cambridge Element on "Cognitive Linguistics and Language Evolution" has just been published and is Open Access.

Pleyer, Michael & Stefan Hartmann. 2024. Cognitive Linguistics and Language Evolution (Cambridge Elements in Cognitive Linguistics). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.  https://doi.org/10.1017/9781009385022 


At the Annual Meeting of the German Linguistics Association (DGfS) we are presenting the following talk in an exciting workshop on "Computational approaches to metaphor and figurative language" in Bochum, Germany.

Pleyer, Michael, Klaudia Karkowska, Svetlana Kuleshova, Darya Namednikava & Marek Placiński. 2024. Towards Computational Detection of Metaphoric Change in Language Evolution via Word Embeddings. 


Our introduction to our special issue on "Combinatoriality and Compositionality in Apes, Hominins, Humans, and Birds" is now out in the International Journal of Primatology  (w/ Nathalie Gontier, Stefan Hartmann & Evelina Daniela Rodrigues). Full issue coming soon! 

Gontier, Nathalie, Stefan Hartmann, Michael Pleyer & Evelina Daniela Rodrigues. 2024. Combinatoriality and Compositionality in Communication, Skills, Tool Use, and Language. International Journal of Primatology. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10764-024-00416-8


My book review (in German) of  

Arie Verhagen. 2021. Ten Lectures on Cognitive Evolutionary Linguistics (Distinguished Lectures in Cognitive Linguistics 24). Leiden, London: Brill. 218 pp.

has just been published in Zeitschrift für Rezensionen zur germanistischen Sprachwissenschaft (here)


Our lab is out in full force at Protolang 8 - Ways to Protolanguage in Rome and I am involved in the following presentations:

Kuleshova, Svetlana, Michael Pleyer & Elizabeth Qing Zhang. 2023. "An Archaeological and Comparative Perspective on the Evolution of the Cognitive Foundations of Metaphor: The Case of Tool Use and Analogy." Protolang 8 - Ways to Protolanguage Conference Series, Rome, Italy, September 2023.  

Pleyer, Michael, Jakob Neels & Stefan Hartmann. 2023. "The Contribution of Entrenchment, Conventionalisation and Usage to Language Evolution" Protolang 8 - Ways to Protolanguage Conference Series, Rome, Italy, September 2023. 

Pleyer, Michael, Angelo D. Delliponti, Yen Ying Ng & Elizabeth Qing Zhang. 2023. "The Cognitive Requirements for Developing a Communication System: Evidence from Experimental Semiotics and Comparative Cognition." Protolang 8 - Ways to Protolanguage Conference Series, Rome, Italy, September 2023. 


At PTNCE23, the 9th Conference of the Polish Society for Human and Evolution Studies in Padova, Italy we are presenting joint work on the following topics:

Matzinger, Theresa, Michael Pleyer, Elizabeth Qing Zhang & Przemysław Żywicziński. 2023 "Pause Length Predicts Cognitive State Attribution in Native and Non-Native Speakers." PTNCE23. 9th Conference of the Polish Society for Human and Evolution Studies. Padova, Italy, September 2023. 

Pleyer, Michael, Yen Ying Ng, Angelo D. Delliponti & Elizabeth Qing Zhang. 2023. "The Cognitive Requirements for Developing a Multimodal Communication System: Evidence from Experimental Semiotics and Comparative Cognition." PTNCE23. 9th Conference of the Polish Society for Human and Evolution Studies. Padova, Italy, September 2023. 


Together with Elizabeth Qing Zhang (Jiangsu Normal University), I am presenting a talk at the Gesture and Speech in Interaction Conference at the Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics in Nijmegen:

Zhang, Elizabeth Qing, Edward Ruoyang Shi & Michael Pleyer. 2023. "A neurobiological perspective on the evolutionary origins of multimodal communication." Gesture and Speech in Interaction 2023; Nijmegen, the Netherlands, September 2023. 


I am at the 26th International Conference on Historical Linguistics in Heidelberg, where I am presenting joint work with Jakob Neels (Leipzig) and Stefan Hartmann (Düsseldorf):

Pleyer, Michael, Jakob Neels & Stefan Hartmann. 2023. "The Interaction of the Cognitive and Community Level in Language Evolution: A Usage-Based Perspective." 26th International Conference on Historical Linguistics, Heidelberg, Germany, September 2023. 


I am at the 56th Annual Meeting of the Societas Linguistica Europaea in Athens, where I am presenting the following work:

Matzinger, Theresa, Michael Pleyer, Elizabeth Qing Zhang & Przemysław Żywicziński. 2023. "Pause Length Predicts Cognitive State Attribution in Native and Non-Native Speakers." 56th Annual Meeting of the Societas Linguistica Europaea, Athens, Greece, August-September 2023. 


I am at the 16th International Cognitive Linguistics Conference in Düsseldorf, where my colleagues and I have a number of presentations:

Matzinger, Theresa, Michael Pleyer, Elizabeth Qing Zhang & Przemysław Żywicziński. 2023. "Pause Duration and Differences in Mental State Attribution in Native and Non-Native Speakers." 16th International Cognitive Linguistics Conference, Düsseldorf, Germany, August 2023. 

Pleyer, Michael, Svetlana Kuleshova, Elizabeth Qing Zhang & Przemysław Żywicziński. 2023. "Tool Use, Analogy and the Evolution of the Cognitive Foundations of Metaphor: An Archaeological and Comparative Perspective." 16th International Cognitive Linguistics Conference, Düsseldorf, August 2023. 

Zhang, Elizabeth Qing, Edward Ruoyang Shi & Michael Pleyer. 2023. "Categorical Learning and the Cognitive Foundations of Language Evolution and Development". 16th International Cogntiive Linguistics Conference, Düsseldorf, Germany, August 2023. 


I am at  the 45th Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society in Sydney where my colleagues and I have a number of poster presentations:

Matzinger, Theresa, Michael Pleyer & Przemyslaw Zywiczysnki. 2023. "Speech pause length predicts the attribution of willingness to help in native and non-native speakers."45th Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society, Sydney, Australia, July 2023. 

Pleyer, Michael, Svetlana Kuleshova & Elizabeth Qing Zhang. 2023. "Analogy and the Evolution of the Cognitive Foundations of Metaphor: A Comparative and Archaeological Perspective." 45th Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society, Sydney, Australia, July 2023. [Proceedings paper here

Pleyer, Michael, Marek Placiński, Marta Sibierska, Sławomir Wacewicz, Monika Boruta-Zywiczynska & Przemyslaw Zywiczynski. 2023. "Using Motion Capture Technology in the Study of Non-verbal Communication." 45th Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society, Sydney, Australia, July 2023. 

Zhang, Elizabeth Qing, Edward Ruoyang Shi & Michael Pleyer. 2023. "Categorical Learning and the Cognitive Foundations of Language Evolution and Development". 45th Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society, Sydney, Australia, July 2023. [Proceedings paper here]


I am very happy to be able to present my research in a talk at the Department of Psychology at Princeton University on "A Multifaceted Approach to the Evolution of Metaphor"


I'm at the International Society for the History Philosophy and Social Studies of Biology biennial meeting 2023 in Toronto, Canada. With Bárbara Jiménez-Pazos, Chris Sinha and Nathalie Gontier I am organising a workshop on "Language and Evolution: Constructionist Views"

Togehter with Angelo D. Deliponti, I am also presenting a talk: "Pretend Play as a Constructed Niche Supporting Language Acquisition, Mentalizing and Cognitive Development"


The preprint for our second accepted paper for CogSci2023 is also online:

Zhang, Elizabeth Qing, Edward Ruoyang Shi & Michael Pleyer. 2023. Categorical Learning and the Cognitive Foundations of Language Evolution and Development. PsyArXiv. DOI: 10.31234/osf.io/nkzrp. 


A new preprint of our accepted paper for CogSci2023:

Pleyer, Michael, Svetlana Kuleshova, & Elizabeth Qing Zhang. 2023. Analogy and the Evolution of the Cognitive Foundations of Metaphor: A Comparative and Archaeological Perspective. PsyArXiv. DOI: 10.31234/osf.io/6dgkh. 


Excited to have been invited as a plenary speaker for the workshop "Whose view is it?: From cognitive to philosophical approaches to perspective-taking" at the University of Cambridge. I gave a talk entitled "Perspective-Taking: Who Has It, What Is It, and How Did It Evolve?"


New #openaccess paper out!
Wacewicz, Sławomir, Michael Pleyer, Aleksandra Szczepańska, Aleksandra Ewa Poniewierska, & Przemysław Żywiczyński. 2023. The Representation of Animal Communication and Language Evolution in Introductory Linguistics Textbooks. Journal of Language Evolution.  https://doi.org/10.1093/jole/lzac010 


The new year is starting off well with a new #openaccess paper: 

Matzinger, Theresa, Michael Pleyer, and Przemysław Żywiczyński. 2023. "Pause Length and Differences in Cognitive State Attribution in Native and Non-Native Speakers" Languages 8, no. 1: 26. https://doi.org/10.3390/languages8010026


My Lingua paper is now officially published as part of Vol 282 of Lingua, making it my first publication of the year on the second day of the year. Talk about an auspicious beginning!

Pleyer, Michael. 2023. The role of interactional and cognitive mechanisms in the evolution of (proto)language(s). Lingua 282: 103458. DOI: 10.1016/j.lingua.2022.103458.


Closing out this year with an #openaccess paper. Just published:
Pleyer, Michael. 2022. The role of interactional and cognitive mechanisms in the evolution of (proto)language(s). Lingua. DOI: 10.1016/j.lingua.2022.103458.


I am at the Cognition, Behaviour and Evolution Network Conference 2022: The Evolution of Information Transmission in Leiden, the Netherlands.

I am presenting a talk

Pleyer, Michael. 2022.  The Role of Interactional Mechanisms in the Co-Construction of Information Transmission in Humans. Cognition, Behaviour and Evolution Network Conference 2022: The Evolution of Information Transmission, Leiden, The Netherlands.


New #openaccess paper published! 

Pleyer, Michael, Ryan Lepic & Stefan Hartmann. 2022. Compositionality in Different Modalities: A View from Usage-Based Linguistics. International Journal of PrimatologyDOI: 10.1007/s10764-022-00330-x 

This paper is part of an upcoming special issue on compositionality in humans and other animals. 


I am at the Joint Conference for Language Evolution in Kanazawa, Japan.  I am a co-author on the following presentations and proceedings papers:

Pleyer, M. & Zhang, E. Q. (2022). Re-Evaluating Hockett's Design Features From a Cognitive and Neuroscience Perspective: The Case of Displacement. In Ravignani, A., (Eds.): Proceedings of the Joint Conference on Language Evolution (JCoLE). doi:10.17617/2.3398549.  

Pleyer, M. & Pleyer, M. (2022). An Evolutionary Perspective on Impoliteness and the Pragmatic Concept of Face. In Ravignani, A. et al. (Eds.): Proceedings of the Joint Conference on Language Evolution (JCoLE). doi:10.17617/2.3398549 

Szczepańska, A., Poniewierska, A., Pleyer, M., Żywiczyński, P. & Wacewicz, S. (2022). What Linguistics Textbooks Teach About Language Evolution. In Ravignani, A. et al. (Eds.): Proceedings of the Joint Conference on Language Evolution (JCoLE). doi:10.17617/2.3398549. 

Vasileva, O. & Pleyer, M. (2022). Language Development and Cognitive Ontogeny: An Important Link. In Ravignani, A.. et al.  (Eds.): Proceedings of the Joint Conference on Language Evolution (JCoLE). doi:10.17617/2.3398549. 


I have been awarded a  2-year POLONEZ BIS Fellowship by the Polish National Science Center with a project on "Metaphor and Semiotics in (Inter)Action at the Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń, Poland, in the Center for Language Evolution Studies.  The fellowship is co-funded by the European Commission and the Polish National Science Centre under the prestigious Marie Skłodowska-Curie COFUND grant. A short description of my project, which will start in September this year, can be read here.


I have started a new job as Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Humanities, Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń, Poland, where I work at the Center for Language Evolution Studies and the Centre of Excellence IMSErt - Interacting Minds, Societies, Environments 


I presented my work at the Protolang 7 - Ways to Protolanguage Conference. 

You can watch my Presentation "Processes of Entrenchment and Conventionalisation in the Evolution of Language" here.

Another presentation on a project I am involved in can be found here:

Aleksandra Poniewierska, Aleksandra Szczepańska, Sławomir Wacewicz, Przemysław Żywiczyński and Michael Pleyer: "The Representation of Language Evolution Research in Introductory Linguistics Textbooks"


New paper published! 

Hartmann, Stefan, Michael Pleyer, Sławomir Wacewicz, Antonio Benítez-Burraco & Przemysław Żywiczyński. 2021. Hypotheses and Definitions in Language Evolution Research: Reply to Mendívil-Giró. Biolinguistics 15. 1-11.

The paper is open access.


New paper published as part of a Special Issue "Biolinguistic Research in the 21st Century":

Wacewicz, Sławomir, Przemyslaw Zywiczynski, Stefan Hartmann, Michael Pleyer & Antonio Benítez-Burraco. 2020. Language in Language Evolution Research: Towards a Pluralistic View. Biolinguistics 14. 59-101.

The paper is open access.


New paper published! Hartmann, Stefan & Michael Pleyer. 2021. Constructing a Protolanguage: Reconstructing Prehistoric Languages in a Usage-Based Construction Grammar Framework. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological  Sciences 376. The preprint can be found here.


My talk in the UMK #InventingKnowledge lecture series, “The Evolution and Foundations of the Interaction-, Language-, and Construction-Ready Brain” is now available online. Watch it here.


New paper published! Pleyer, Michael & Stefan Hartmann. 2020. Construction Grammar for Monkeys? Animal Communication in the Light of Usage-Based Linguistic Theory. Evolutionary Linguistic Theory 2(2).  The preprint can be found here


My talk "A cognitive perspective on pretend play and language in evolution and development" from the 2019 Protolang 6 - Ways To Protolanguage Conference in Lisbon is now available online! Watch it here.


New paper accepted! Hartmann, Stefan & Michael Pleyer. accepted. Constructing a Protolanguage: Reconstructing Prehistoric Languages in a Usage-Based Construction Grammar Framework. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences. DOI: 10.1098/rstb.2020.0200 The author accepted manuscript can be found here


New paper in press! Pleyer, Michael & Stefan Hartmann. 2020. Construction Grammar for Monkeys? Animal Communication in the Light of Usage-Based Linguistic Theory. Evolutionary Linguistic Theory 2(2).  The preprint can be found here


New paper in press! Wacewicz, Sławomir, Przemyslaw Zywiczynski, Stefan Hartmann, Michael Pleyer & Antonio Benítez-Burraco. 2020. Language in Language Evolution Research: Towards a Pluralistic ViewBiolinguistics 14 


Today is my first day as a postdoc at the Center for Language Evolution Studies & University Centre of Excellence IMSErt - Interacting Minds, Societies, Environments at Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń, Poland

I'll be working with Prof. Slawomir Wacewicz on a project on "Determining the Impact of Language Evolution Research on Language Sciences: Methods, Terminology, Mindsets"


My PhD thesis "The Everyday Use of pretend in Child Language and Child-Directed Speech: A Corpus Study" has now been published as an open-access publication!