Bergmann, Till C. & Michael Pleyer. 2012. “Interdisciplinary Approaches to Construal Operations.“ 4th UK Cognitive Linguistics Conference, London, UK, July 2012.
Delliponti, Angelo D., Michael Pleyer & Theresa Matzinger. 2022. Lower-Level Mechanisms Underlying Language Acquisition and Evolution. PTNCE22. 8th Conference of the Polish Society for Human and Evolution Studies. Sopot, Poland, September 2022.
Hartmann, Stefan & Michael Pleyer. 2020. "Constructions for sale: The acquisition of the commercial event frame from a corpusbased perspective." UK Cognitive Linguistics Conference 2020, Birmingham, UK, July 2020.
Hartmann, Stefan & Pleyer, Michael. 2017. “Constructing a Protolanguage: Language Evolution and Constructionalization.” Protolang 5. Ways to Protolanguage Series, Barcelona, Spain, September 2017.
Hartmann, Stefan & Michael Pleyer. 2013. “From Construal to Construction: The Role of Conceptual Categories in Derivational Morphology and Information Structure.” Concepts and Categorization in Linguistics, Cognitive science and Philosophy, Düsseldorf, Germany, May 2013.
Hartmann, Stefan & Michael Pleyer. 2013. “Towards an Integrated Cognitive-Linguistic Theory of Morphology and Morphological Change.” 12th International Cognitive Linguistics Conference, Edmonton,Canada, June 2013.
Kuleshova, Svetlana, Michael Pleyer & Elizabeth Qing Zhang. 2023. "An Archaeological and Comparative Perspective on the Evolution of the Cognitive Foundations of Metaphor: The Case of Tool Use and Analogy." Protolang 8 - Ways to Protolanguage Conference Series, Rome, Italy, September 2023.
Littauer, Richard, James Winters, Seán G. Roberts, Hannah Little, Michael Pleyer & Bill Benzon. 2012. “Academic Research in the Blogosphere: Adapting to New Risks and Opportunities on the Internet.” Digital Humanities, Hamburg, Germany, July 2012.
Matzinger, Theresa, Michael Pleyer, Elizabeth Qing Zhang & Przemysław Żywicziński. 2023. "Pause Duration and Differences in Mental State Attribution in Native and Non-Native Speakers." 16th International Cognitive Linguistics Conference, Düsseldorf, Germany, August 2023.
Matzinger, Theresa, Michael Pleyer, Elizabeth Qing Zhang & Przemysław Żywicziński. 2023. "Pause Length Predicts Cognitive State Attribution in Native and Non-Native Speakers." 56th Annual Meeting of the Societas Linguistica Europaea, Athens, Greece, August-September 2023.
Matzinger, Theresa, Michael Pleyer, Elizabeth Qing Zhang & Przemysław Żywicziński. 2023 "Pause Length Predicts Cognitive State Attribution in Native and Non-Native Speakers." PTNCE23. 9th Conference of the Polish Society for Human and Evolution Studies. Padova, Italy, September 2023.
Nölle, Jonas, Hartmann, Stefan Tinits, Peeter & Michael Pleyer. 2016. “Investigating the Emergence of Overspecification in an Iterated Learning Setup.” 2nd Conference of the International Association for Cognitive Semiotics, Lublin, Poland, June 2016.
Nölle, Jonas, Peeter Tinits, Michael Pleyer & Stefan Hartmann. 2015. “Communicative Relevance and Morphological Complexity: An Iterated Learning Approach” Protolang 4. Ways to Protolanguage Series, Rome, Italy, September 2015.
Nölle, Jonas, Peeter Tinits, Michael Pleyer & Stefan Hartmann. 2015. “Experimental Approaches to the Emergence of Morphological Complexity” SLE 2015. 48th Annual Meeting of the Societas Linguistica Europaeam Leiden, Netherlands, September 2015.
Nölle, Jonas, Peeter Tinits, Michael Pleyer & Stefan Hartmann. 2015. “People make things messier: How communicative pressures shape linguistic complexity.” ICLC-13. The 13th International Cognitive Linguistics Conference. Newcastle upon Tyne, UK, July 2015.
Pleyer, Michael. 2024. The Role of Semantic Extension and Metaphor in the Evolutionary Dynamics of Language. 15th International Conference in Evolutionary Linguistics, Changsha, China, July 2024.
Pleyer, Michael. 2022. The Role of Interactional Mechanisms in the Co-Construction of Information Transmission in Humans. Cognition, Behaviour and Evolution Network Conference 2022: The Evolution of Information Transmission, Leiden, The Netherlands, October 2022.
Pleyer, Michael. 2021. Processes of Entrenchment and Conventionalisation in the Evolution of Language. Protolang 7 - Ways to Protolanguage, Düsseldorf, Germany, September 2021. [Video]
Pleyer, Michael. 2019. “Shared Mechanisms in the Emergence of Constructions in Language Evolution and Interaction.” SLE 2019. 52nd Annual Meeting of the Societas Linguistica Europaea, Leipzig, Germany, August 2019.
Pleyer, Michael. 2019. “A Cognitive Perspective on Pretend Play and Language in Evolution and Development.” Protolang 6. Ways to Protolanguage Series (Invited Symposium: Ontogeny and Evolutionary Processes), Lisbon, Portugal, September 2019. [Video]
Pleyer, Michael. 2019. “Pretend Play, Language Acquisition, and Language Evolution from a Cognitive-Linguistic Perspective.” 8th International Conference of the German Cognitive Linguistics Association, Koblenz, Germany, September 2018.
Pleyer, Michael. 2018. “Language Evolution and the Emergence of Constructions in Interaction.” 12th International Conference on the Evolution of Language, Toruń, Poland, April 2018.
Pleyer, Michael. 2015. “Protolanguage and the Dynamics of Meaning Construal” Protolang 4. Ways to Protolanguage Series. Rome, Italy September 2015.
Pleyer, Michael. 2014. “Perspectivation, Constructions, and Language Evolution: The Social and Cognitive Foundations of the Evolution of Constructions.” 8th International Conference on Construction Grammar, Osnabrück, Germany, September 2014.
Pleyer, Michael. 2013. “Cooperation and Constructions: Looking at the Evolution of Language from a Usage-Based and Construction Grammar Perspective.” Ways to Protolanguage 3, Wrocław, Poland, May 2013.
Pleyer, Michael. 2013. „Identität und Perspektivität: Identitätskonstitution im Schnittpunkt von Sprache, Kognition, Kultur und Interaktion.“ Forum der Heidelberger Graduiertenschule für Geistes- und Sozialwissenschaften: Identitäten, Heidelberg, Germany, June 2013.
Pleyer, Michael. 2012. “Studying the Acquisition and Cognitive Foundations of Construal Operations: Integrating Cognitive Linguistics, Developmental Psychology, and Language Acquisition Research.” 5th International Conference of the German Cognitive Linguistics Association, Freiburg, Germany, October 2012.
Pleyer, Michael. 2012. “Perspective and Perspectivation in Language and Cognition: A Cognitive- Linguistic and Cognitive-Developmental Approach.” Doctoral Symposium des 11th Biannual Meeting of the German Cognitive Science Society. KogWis 2012), Bamberg, Germany, September/October 2012.
Pleyer, Michael. 2012. “Perspectival Construal Patterns in Language, Cognition and Interaction: Their Acquisition, Structure and Foundations.” Third International Postgraduate Conference on Language and Cognition. ELC3), Santiago de Compostela, Spain, September 2012.
Pleyer, Michael. 2012. “Perspective and Perspectivation in Language and Cognition: A Cognitive-Linguistic and Cognitive-Developmental Approach.” Projektvorstellung auf der Marsilius-Sommerschule Neue interdisziplinäre Anthropologie: Leib – Geist – Kultur, Heidelberg, Germany, July 2012.
Pleyer, Michael. 2012. “Language, Cognition and Interaction: Studying the Acquisition of Perspectivation at the Interface of Cognitive Linguistics and Developmental Psychology.” 1. Sprachwissenschaftliche Tagung für Promotionsstudierende: Problemfelder und Methoden von Promotionsprojekten, Luxembourg, March 2012.
Pleyer, Michael & Angelo D. Delliponti. 2023. "Pretend Play as a Constructed Niche Supporting Language Acquisition, Mentalizing and Cognitive Development" International Society for the History Philosophy and Social Studies of Biology biennial meeting 2023, Toronto, Canada, July 2023.
Pleyer, Michael & Stefan Hartmann. 2019. “Constructing a consensus on language evolution? Where biolinguistics and usage-based approaches meet.” Protolang 6. Ways to Protolanguage Series, Lisbon, Portugal, September 2019.
Pleyer, Michael & Stefan Hartmann. 2017. “The Role of Linguistic Frame Knowledge in the Evolution of Human Cognition and Culture: What Pretend Play Can Tell Us.” Protolang 5. Ways to Protolanguage Series. Barcelona, Spain, September 2017.
Pleyer, Michael & Stefan Hartmann. 2016. “Endless forms most meaningful: Language evolution and constructionalization.” 7th International Conference of the German Cognitive Linguistics Association, Essen, Germany, October 2016.
Pleyer, Michael & Stefan Hartmann. 2014. “A Matter of Perspective: Viewpoint Phenomena in the Evolution of Grammar.” 10th International Conference on the Evolution of Language, Vienna, Austria April 2014.
Pleyer, Michael & Stefan Hartmann. 2014. “Assessing the Development of Construal Operations in Corpora.” 6th International Conference of the German Cognitive Linguistics Association, Erlangen, Germany, October 2014.
Pleyer, Michael & Stefan Hartmann. 2013. “The Historical, Biological, and Developmental Dynamics of Language: Converging Perspectives on Language Evolution and Change.” 21st International Conference on Historical Linguistics, Oslo, Norway, August 2013.
Pleyer, Michael & Stefan Hartmann. 2013. “Cognitive Foundations of Construal Operations: Perspectives from Language Change and Language Acquisition.” 19th International Congress of Linguists, Geneva, Switzerland, July 2013.
Pleyer, Michael & Monika Pleyer. 2019. “A Cognitive-Interactional Approach to the Evolution of Linguistic Im/politeness.” 15th International Cognitive Linguistics Association, Nishinomiya, Japan, August 2019.
Pleyer, Michael & Monika Pleyer. 2016. “The Evolution of Im/Politeness.” 11th International Conference on the Evolution of Language, New Orleans, USA, March 2016.
Pleyer, Michael & Christian W. Schneider. 2013. “Construal, Cognition, and Comics: Analysing the multimodal construction of a Gothic autobiography in Alison Bechdel’s Fun Home.” Cognitive Grammar in Literature, Nottingham, UK, February 2013.
Pleyer, Michael & James Winters. 2013. “Language Evolution, Usage and Cognition – Towards an Integration of Cognitive Linguistics and Evolutionary Linguistics.” 12th International Cognitive Linguistics Conference, Edmonton, Canada, June 2013.
Pleyer, Michael & James Winters. 2012. “Integrating Cognitive Linguistics and Language Evolution Research.” 43rd Poznań Linguistic Meeting. Thematic Section: Theory and evidence in language evolution research). Poznań, Poland, September 2012.
Pleyer, Michael, Svetlana Kuleshova, Elizabeth Qing Zhang. 2023. "Tool Use, Analogy and the Evolution of the Cognitive Foundations of Metaphor: An Archaeological and Comparative Perspective." 16th International Cognitive Linguistics Conference, Düsseldorf, August 2023.
Pleyer, Michael, Ryan Lepic & Stefan Hartmann. 2022. Compositionality and Multimodality in Linguistics. Joint Conference on Language Evolution (JCoLE), Workshop on Combinatoriality and Compositionality in Apes, Hominins, Humans, and Birds, Kanzawa, Japan, September 2022.
Pleyer, Michael, Jakob Neels & Stefan Hartmann. 2023. "The Interaction of the Cognitive and Community Level in Language Evolution: A Usage-Based Perspective." 26th International Conference on Historical Linguistics, Heidelberg, Germany, September 2023.
Pleyer, Michael, Jakob Neels & Stefan Hartmann. 2023. "The Contribution of Entrenchment, Conventionalisation and Usage to Language Evolution" Protolang 8 - Ways to Protolanguage Conference Series, Rome, Italy, September 2023.
Pleyer, Michael, Sławomir Wacewicz & Przemysław Żywiczyński. 2021. “Shared Evolutionary and Developmental Foundations of Pretence and Pantomime.” Protolang 7 – Ways to Protolanguage, Düsseldorf, September 2021.
Pleyer, Michael, Klaudia Karkowska, Svetlana Kuleshova, Darya Namednikava & Marek Placiński. 2024. Towards Computational Detection of Metaphoric Change in Language Evolution via Word Embeddings. Annual Meeting of the DGfS 2024 (Workshop: Computational approaches to metaphor and figurative language), February-March 2024, Bochum, Germany.
Pleyer, Michael, Yen Ying Ng, Angelo D. Delliponti & Elizabeth Qing Zhang. 2023. "The Cognitive Requirements for Developing a Multimodal Communication System: Evidence from Experimental Semiotics and Comparative Cognition." PTNCE23. 9th Conference of the Polish Society for Human and Evolution Studies. Padova, Italy, September 2023.
Pleyer, Monika & Michael Pleyer. 2020. “A Cognitive-Interactional Approach to the Evolution of Linguistic Im/politeness.” UK Cognitive Linguistics Conference 2020, Birmingham, UK, July 2020.
Pleyer, Monika, Michael Pleyer & Sławomir Wacewicz. 2021. “Towards an Evolutionary and Naturalistic Approach to the Pragmatic Concept of Face” Protolang 7 – Ways to Protolanguage, Düsseldorf, September 2021. [Video]
Poniewierska, Aleksandra, Aleksandra Szczepańska, Sławomir Wacewicz, Przemysław Żywiczyński & Michael Pleyer. 2021. “The Representation of Language Evolution Research in Introductory Linguistics Textbooks.” Protolang 7 – Ways to Protolanguage. Düsseldorf, September 2021 [Video]
Schneider, Christian W. & Michael Pleyer. 2013. “Cognitive Linguistics and Multimodal Poetics: Sequential and Summary Scanning in Graphic Literature.” Cognition and Poetics Conference 2013, Osnabrück, Germany, April 2013.
Tinits, Peeter, Nölle, Jonas, Hartmann, Stefan, Hartmann, Thomas & Michael Pleyer. 2016. “Plain simple complex structures: The emergence of overspecification in an Iterated Learning setup.” 11th International Conference on the Evolution of Language, New Orleans, USA, March 2016.
Tinits, Peeter, Nölle, Jonas, Pleyer, Michael & Hartmann, Stefan. 2016. “How contextual pressures shape grammar: The emergence of overspecification in an Iterated Learning.” 6th UK Cognitive Linguistics Conference, Bangor, UK, July 2016.
Winters, James & Michael Pleyer. 2012. “Cognitive Linguistics as a Framework to Study the Evolution of Language.” 11th Biannual Conference of the German Cognitive Science Association. KogWis 2012), Bamberg, Germany, September/October 2012.
Zhang, Elizabeth Qing, Michael Pleyer & Theresa Matzinger. 2024. Enjoy The Silence? A Cross-cultural Approach to Inter-turn Speech Pauses and Their Relation to the Evolutionary Dynamics of Interaction. 15th International Conference in Evolutionary Linguistics, Changsha, China, July 2024.
Zhang, Elizabeth Qing, Edward Ruoyang Shi & Michael Pleyer. 2023. "A neurobiological perspective on the evolutionary origins of multimodal communication." Gesture and Speech in Interaction 2023; Nijmegen, the Netherlands, September 2023.
Poster Presentations
Hartmann, Stefan and Michael Pleyer. 2012. “Word-Formation Change as a Window to Cognition: Construal, Conceptualization, and Patterns of Use.” Manchester and Salford New Researchers Forum in Linguistics, Manchester, November 2012.
Karkowska, Klaudia, Darya Namednikava, Marek Placinski, Michael Pleyer & Theresa Matzinger. 2024. The relationship between non-verbal alignment and cooperativeness in a game theory-based TV show. 45th Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society, Amsterdam, Netherlands, July 2024.
Matzinger, Theresa, Michael Pleyer & Przemyslaw Zywiczysnki. 2023. "Speech pause length predicts the attribution of willingness to help in native and non-native speakers."44th Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society, Sydney, Australia, July 2023.
Pleyer. Michael. 2020. “Perspectivation and Pretend Play in Language Acquisition: A Corpus Study.” UK Cognitive Linguistics Conference 2020, Birmingham, UK, July 2020.
Pleyer, Michael. 2019. “Perspectivation and Pretend Play in Language Acquisition: A Corpus Study.” 15th International Cognitive Linguistics Association, Nishinomiya, Japan, August 2019.
Pleyer, Michael. 2013. „Perspective and Perspectivation in Language and Cognition: A Cognitive-Linguistic and Cognitive-Developmental Approach.“ 3. Sprachwissenschaftliche Tagung für Promotionsstudierende: Interdisziplinäre Perspektiven auf Sprache, Diskurs und Kultur, Heidelberg, April 2013.
Pleyer, Michael. 2013. „Perspective and Perspectivation in Language and Cognition: A Cognitive- Linguistic and Cognitive-Developmental Approach.“ Bernese Winter School: Timing TransFormations, Münchenwiler, Switzerland, February 2013.
Pleyer, Michael. 2012. “Cognitive Construal, Mental Spaces and the Evolution of Language and Cognition.” 9th International Conference on the Evolution of Language. Evolang IX), Kyoto, Japan, March 2012.
Pleyer, Michael. 2012. “The Development of Perspective-Taking and -Setting in Language and Cognition: A Topic at the Interface of Cognitive Linguistics and Developmental Psychology.” Knowledge through Interaction: How Children Learn about Self, Others and Objects, Heidelberg, March 2012.
Pleyer, Michael. 2011. „Thematizität und Perspektivität von Texten: der Beitrag kognitions- linguistischer und konstruktionsgrammatischer Ansätze.“ Konstruktionen als soziale Konventionen und kognitive Routinen: Gesprächsforschung, Text- und Diskurslinguistik im Fokus der Konstruktionsgrammatik. Düsseldorf, August/September 2011.
Pleyer, Michael & Nicolas Lindner. 2014. “Constructions, Construal and Cooperation in the Evolution of Language.” 10th International Conference on the Evolution of Language, Wien, April 2014.
Pleyer, Michael & Martin Zettersten:. 2012. “From Cognition to Corpus, from Corpus to Cognition: Corpus research in child language can benefit from research in developmental psychology, and vice versa.” 11th Biannual Meeting of the German Cognitive Science Society. KogWis 2012), Bamberg, September/October 2012.
Pleyer, Michael & Elizabeth Qing Zhang. 2022. Re-Evaluating Hockett's Design Features From a Cognitive and Neuroscience Perspective: The Case of Displacement. Joint Conference on Language Evolution (JCoLE), Kanzawa, Japan, September 2022.
Pleyer, Monika & Michael Pleyer. 2022. "An Evolutionary Perspective on Im/politeness and the Pragmatic Concept of Face". Joint Conference on Language Evolution (JCoLE), Kanzawa, Japan, September 2022.
Pleyer, Michael, Svetlana Kuleshova & Elizabeth Qing Zhang. 2024. Artifacts, Analogy and Metaphor: An Archaeological and Comparative Cognition Perspective on the Evolution of Analogical Capacities. Analogy 2024: 5th International Conference on Analogy, Amsterdam, Netherlands, July 2024.
Pleyer, Michael, Svetlana Kuleshova & Elizabeth Qing Zhang. 2023. "Analogy and the Evolution of the Cognitive Foundations of Metaphor: A Comparative and Archaeological Perspective." 45th Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society, Sydney, Australia, July 2023.
Pleyer, Michael, Angelo D. Delliponti, Yen Ying Ng & Elizabeth Qing Zhang. 2023. "The Cognitive Requirements for Developing a Communication System: Evidence from Experimental Semiotics and Comparative Cognition." Protolang 8 - Ways to Protolanguage Conference Series, Rome, Italy, September 2023.
Pleyer, Michael, Darya Namednikava, Klaudia Karkowska, Svetlana Kuleshova, Marek Placiński & Sławomir Wacewicz. 2024. An Experimental-Semiotic Approach to the Emergence of Metaphor and Polysemy in Interaction. 45th Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society, Amsterdam, July 2024.
Pleyer, Michael, Marek Placiński, Marta Sibierska, Sławomir Wacewicz, Monika Boruta-Zywiczynska & Przemyslaw Zywiczynski. 2023. "Using Motion Capture Technology in the Study of Non-verbal Communication." 45th Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society, Sydney, Australia, July 2023.
Szczepańska, Aleksandra, Aleksandra Poniewierska, Michael Pleyer, Przemysław Żywiczyński & Sławomir Wacewicz. 2022. What Linguistics Textbooks Teach About Language Evolution. Joint Conference on Language Evolution (JCoLE), Kanzawa, Japan, September 2022.
Zhang, Elizabeth Qing, Edward Ruoyang Shi & Michael Pleyer. 2023. "Categorical Learning and the Cognitive Foundations of Language Evolution and Development". 16th International Cogntiive Linguistics Conference, Düsseldorf, Germany, August 2023.
Zhang, Elizabeth Qing, Edward Ruoyang Shi & Michael Pleyer. 2023. "Categorical Learning and the Cognitive Foundations of Language Evolution and Development". 45th Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society, Sydney, Australia, July 2023.
Pleyer, Michael, Stefan Hartmann & James Winters. 2015. "Cognitive Linguistics and the Evolution of Language: Converging Perspectives” ICLC-13. The 13th International Cognitive Linguistics Conference. Northumbria University, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK, July 2015.
Jiménez-Pazos, Bárbara, Michael Pleyer, Chris Sinha & Nathalie Gontier. 2023. "Language and Evolution: Constructionist Views." International Society for the History Philosophy and Social Studies of Biology biennial meeting 2023, Toronto, Canada, July 2023.
Gontier, Nathalie, Daniela Rodrigues, Michael Pleyer & Stefan Hartmann. 2022. Workshop on Combinatoriality and Compositionality in Apes, Hominins, Humans, and Birds, Joint Conference on Language Evolution, Kanazawa, Japan, September 2022.
Guest Lectures / Non-Peer-Reviewed Talks
Pleyer, Michael. 2024. "Cognitive Lingusitics and Language Evolution." Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics, Nijmegen, Netherlands, June 2024.
Pleyer, Michael. 2023. "A Multifaceted Approach to the Evolution of Metaphor." Department of Psychology, Princeton University, USA, July 2023.
Pleyer. Michael. 2023. "Metaphor and Semiotics in (Inter)Action." Workshop: Directions in Language Evolution, Center for Language Evolution Studies, Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń, Poland, April 2023.
Pleyer. Michael. 2023. "Metaphor and Semiotics in (Inter)Action." Workshop: Introduction to electroencephalographic (EEG) and E-Prime research methodology, Department of Philosophy, Communication and Performing Arts, Roma Tre University, Rome, Italy, February 2023
Pleyer, Michael. 2023. "Perspective-Taking: Who has it, What is it, and how did it evolve?" (Keynote) Workshop on Perspective-Taking: Whose View Is It? From cognitive to philosophical approaches to perspective-taking, University of Cambridge, UK, April 2023.
Pleyer, Michael. 2019. “Becoming Language-Ready: A Short Introduction to the Evolution of Language.” Institute for Computational Linguistics, University of Heidelberg, June 2019.
Pleyer, Michael. 2015. „Grammatikalisierung und Sprachevolution.“ Deutsches Institut, Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz, January 2015.
Pleyer, Michael. 2015. „ Metaphor and Cognition: Perspectives from Evolutionary Linguistics and Language Acquisition.“ Cognitive Explorations into Metaphor: Metaphern kognitiv VI, University of Heidelberg, June 2015.
Pleyer, Michael. 2015. „Language Evolution and Cognitive Linguistics.“ School of English and American Studies, Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest, Hungary, March 2015.
Pleyer, Michael. 2014. „Perspective and Perspectivation in Language and Cognition – A Cognitive-Linguistic and Cognitive-Developmental Approach”, Gastvortrag im Seminar “English literary and linguistic history – a DIY approach“, English Department, University of Heidelberg, November 2014.
Pleyer, Michael. 2013. „Die Konstruktion von Bedeutung in Sprache, Kognition und Interaktion.“ Germanistisches Insitut, Ruhr University Bochum, June 2013.
Pleyer, Michael. 2013. “Meaning Construction and Language Evolution – Integrating Cognitive Linguistics and Evolutionary Linguistics.” Artificial Intelligence Laboratory,Vrije Universiteit Brussel, November 2013.
Pleyer, Michael. 2012. “Perspective and Perspectivation in Language and Cognition: A Cognitive-Linguistic and Cognitive-Developmental Approach.” Graduiertenkolloquium Erinnerung, Graduate School des Institute for Advanced Study in the Humanities, Universiy of Berne, Switzerland, October 2012.
Pleyer, Michael. 2012. „Perspektivität in Sprache und Denken: kognitive, linguistische und evolutionäre Aspekte.“ Forum 201, Heidelberger Graduiertenschule für Geistes- und Sozialwissenschaften. Heidelberg, June 2012.
Pleyer, Michael. 2012. “‘A burgeoning literature, most of which in my view is total nonsense’ – Current Issues and Controversies in Language Evolution Research.” 51. Studentischen Tagung für Sprachwissenschaft. 51. StuTS), Stuttgart, May 2012.
Pleyer, Michael. 2011. “‘It was the nightingale, and not the lark’ – Information Structure, Perspectivation and Cognition.” 50. Studentischen Tagung Sprachwissenschaft. 50. Stuts), Göttingen, November 2011.
Pleyer, Michael. 2011. “Perspective-Taking in Language and Cognition – What is it? Who has it? How does it develop? How did it evolve?” 49. Studentischen Tagung für Sprachwissenschaft. XLIX. StuTS), Leipzig, June 2011.
Pleyer, Michael and Stefan Hartmann. 2012. “Language Change and Language Acquisition as Windows to Cognition: The Case of Linguistic Construal Operations.” 52. Studentische Tagung Sprachwissenschaft. 52. StuTS), Berlin, November 2012.
Rohlfing, Katharina, Kenny Coventry, Alena Anishchanka, Anna Jelec, Carsten Gondorf, Franziska Günther, Julia Wrede, Julius Hassemer, Michael Pleyer and Bridgette DeCot. 2011. “Placement Verbs and Linguistic Relativity.” Empirical Methods in Cognitive Linguistics, Freiburg, March 2011.